DI BELLA METHOD > FAQ > Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it possible to associate radiotherapy to MDB treatment?
2. In the event of surgical indications, are there any contraindications to employing MDB? On the contrary, if MDB is advised, how is it to be applied?
3. You often talk about highly toxic chemotherapeutic treatments causing cell death. Alternatively, you also talk about apoptosis. What is the difference?
4. Are there any statistics on  MDB therapy?
5. For how long should MDB treatment be employed?
6. Whom should one address to employ MDB treatment?
7. How much does the therapy cost?
8. The www.metododibella.org website may provide counsel, medical advice and a list of reliable physicians prescribing MDB treatment.
9. While the costs of MDB treatment have been quantified, what are the costs of chemotherapy?
10. Is it true that even MDB therapy includes the use of chemotherapy?
11. What are the chances for the Di Bella Method (MDB) in treating a single and specific tumor pathology?
